Success Story from AFFEC
After providing foster care for several years, we had some concerns that adopting through foster care may be challenging. We saw first-hand what children go through in regards to the system and it was heartbreaking. We were nervous, but were certain we wanted to provide a home to children waiting for a forever family.
We were thrilled to start working with the AFFEC. Immediately we knew the genuine concern they all had for children, and they were so positive! It was refreshing - we knew right away that something good was going to happen.
The moment we met the girls, we knew we were going to love them forever. Miley, the oldest, shared with us her dream to have a mom and a dad and to be safe. Our hearts melted. The twins were giggly and funny, but a little behind physically. They were out of breath going down a few stairs during our first visit to the children's museum. We knew with time, living our busy lifestyle things would change.
Nine months later, the twins run, ride bikes, dance, take swim lessons and jump on the trampoline. Our days are complete with talking, dance parties (in our living room), camping trips, backyard adventures, walks and lots of singing and laughter. We have discovered that providing security and sharing new experiences is the most rewarding feeling imaginable.
One of our most unexpected discoveries is realizing that adopting an older child could be so rewarding! Miley believes she is the luckiest girl in the world. She shares with us daily her appreciation for her new life.
What we truly believe, is WE are the luckiest people in the world. We have received the opportunity to change the lives of these children forever and, in the process, our life has been truly blessed.
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