“Bottom line is, even if you see them coming, you're not ready for the big moments. No one asks for their life to change, not really. But it does.
So, what are we, helpless? Puppets? Nah. The big moments are gonna come, you can't help that. It's what you do afterwards that counts. That's
when you find out who you are." - Joss Whedon

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hi FSA Members and Friends,

This post is a replica (with some minor changes for our area) of a posting from the National FSA Blog at: http://familiessupportingadoption.blogspot.com/2010/11/urgent-call-to-action.html

I am forwarding an email I received from Steve Sunday and NCFA about a need for phone calls and emails (not letters in this case) to our Representatives (not Senators) in the United States House of Representatives urging him or her to help pass some federal legislation that would help kids from Haiti and other international adoptees in the process of obtaining citizenship here in the United States.

The NCFA email is kind of long and uses the legal language of the legislation. I am attaching some links that simplify the issues.

http://www.gop.gov/bill/111/2/hr5283 (go to the BACKGROUND Section)

http://www.adoptionpolicy.org/ (This article says the bill will go to the President and we hope so, but the bill may be "tabled" before it gets there, thereby preventing it from becoming law.)

So, take a second and call or email. For example, in Utah call or email your representative who is one of the following:

Rob Bishop 202.225.0453 (website www.robbishop.house.gov)
Jason Chafetz 202.225.7751 (website www.chafetz.house.gov)
Jim Matheson 202.225.3011 (website www.matheson.house.gov)

In Washington State, go to this link to find the Rep in your area: http://www.leg.wa.gov/House/Pages/MembersByDistrict.aspx

For Alaska, find your rep here: http://house.legis.state.ak.us/

(For example, I just called Congressman Chaftez's office and let the secretary know I was in support of helping expedite international adoptions, especially those from Haiti at this time, and would urge the Congressman to pay attention to this bill.)

To find contact information for your Representative simply go to www.house.gov and enter in your zip code (plus the additional 4 numbers) in the top left corner. Your Representative's information will show up.

Here's a sample email that you may use:

I am in support of helping expedite international adoptions, especially those from Haiti at this time, and would urge the Congressman to pay attention to this bill.

International Adoption Simplification Act – S. 1376 and the Help Haiti Act of 2010 – HR 5283

Thank for all you do!

Let's spread the word! Thank you for your help! I am available to take questions sent to myutahlawyer@gmail.com.

Michelle Mitchell
FSA National, Legislation