Hi FSA Peeps. Our chapter
members and nearby chapters have a few awesome events planned. Hopefully
we will see you at one of them. Pencil them in your calendar and show
your support for adoption by attending. Thanks!
- Saturday, August 11th at 8:30 am Fun Run in Bothell, Washington. Andrew and Janetta are sponsoring the Bridge to Adoption Fun Run. See their blog for more information at: http://www.bridgetoadoption.blogspot.com/
- Friday and Saturday, August 10-11th, Salt Lake City, Utah. "Because I have Been Given Much...." Utah Regional Conference. To register and for more information visit: http://www.regonline.com/builder/site/Default.aspx?EventID=1113826.
- Friday, August 31st, Camping at Zion's Camp in Belfair, Washington for Labor Day Weekend hosted by Julianna. See this blog post for more information.
- Friday and Saturday, November 9-10th, Portland, Oregon. "Blessed by a Miracle" Northwest Regional Conference.
Feel free to post a comment or email families.supporting.adoption@gmail.com if you have any
further questions!