I am really excited to tell you guys that we now have new FSA Chapter Co-Chairs and Casey and I are off the hook!!!
I asked Nickie a while back to keep her eyes open for another couple who would be willing to be the leaders of our chapter and she found the perfect one. Kim and Galen recently moved to Washington from California where they were very involved in their local chapter. They came over tonight and we were able to visit and I am really happy they are here!!
I plan to remain very involved with FSA and have enjoyed my time as a co-chair. But, at the same time I think it is perfect timing to pass the torch. As some of you know, I went back to work part-time and am really enjoying it, but it is a big adjustment as far as my level of open time.
So .... thank you very much for all of your love, help and support during our time as co-chairs. I am looking forward to attending all of 2009's events without being the one in the lead! Being involved in FSA here has greatly increase my understanding and love of adoption and I would highly recommend becoming involved with FSA no matter your stage of adoption involvement. I know there will be many great opportunities for our chapter under the direction of the Mecham Family and can't wait for you to meet them as well.
Warmly, Larissa